Friday, June 5, 2009

books worth reading

When I started writing in this blog, I was going to write about different books that I've read. Needless to say, I've done a horrible job at this. There have been plenty of books that I have read that I think are well worth the read. I guess you should just ask sometime.

Meanwhile, I just finished this book.

Besides that fact that it made the point that I'm not really doing anything with my life right now, this book was well worth the read. I would recommend it to anyone, especially people who do not understand a thing about areas of the world such as Pakistan and Afghanistan. There's even a children's version of the book. Check it out little ones reading my blog...

I guess I should give a brief summary. Greg Mortesen, after a failed attempt of climbing K2, finds himself recovering in the small village of Korphe in the Himalayan Mountains of Pakistan. When he asks the village what he could do to repay them for their hospitality, Mortesen is asked to buid a school for Korphe. The rest of the book tells the story of Mortesen raising money for the school, returning to Pakistan, and eventually being asked to build more schools. It is an amazing story of both self-sacrifice, and a creative approach to peace buidling that doesn't use violence. (So far it's the best approach I've heard to the war on terror.)

Anyway, read it.


Glow said...

Why is it called "Three Cups of Tea?"

Greg said...

In the culture there, each cup of tea shared with the person represents a stage in the relationship. The first cup you are a stranger, the second you are a friend, and the the third cup of tea you are considered family.