Thursday, April 3, 2008


Time is in short supply.

I'm on the island at my brother Matt's place, hanging out with family. Watching my nephews totally puts time into perspective. Everytime I come here, They are both completly different people. This isn't even mentioning the fact that it's wierd to think of my brother as a parent.

Quest is almost as well. Time flew by this year. I can remember being scarred to come here and do bible college. I can remeber being stuck in the van on a 2 week long road trip with my family, wanting nothing more to just get to abbotsford and start school. I remember the first day of school, not knowing a single person, and all the social awkwardness that ensued. I'm now studying for my finals, my final finals (locker locker?), looking for a job in the summer, and starting to pack up my stuff to move yet again.

All of this said to put things into perspective.

Feel free to hate. (Mooney)


Time is in short supply.

1 comment:

Adam said...

come hang out at my house this summer, greg. often.

we have to plan a few vancouver outings / weekends / funtimes.